Carbon footprint, commitments, action plan: companies' progress shared in a clear and comparable way
It is crucial that all stakeholders - and not just a handful of experts - are able to address this issue.
As a driver for collective action, corporate transparency helps to tackle climate change, while at the same time demonstrating a sense of responsibility and a preference among stakeholders.
In line with the GHG protocol
Decarbonisation trajectories in line with science
In line with ADEME's responsible communication recommendations.
The heads of CSR at Bel, l'Oreal and the Casino group explain how transparency creates the right conditions for dialogue and collaboration.
"Data is all very well, but you still have to be able to use it. That's where we need trusted third parties, like OpenClimat, to analyse this data and simplify access to information"
Matthieu Riché, former CSR Director of the Casino Group
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